Sunday, March 1, 2015

SOLSC: 3-1-15


            I stare at my dog intently as stares back at me, waging his tail ever so slightly. Every once ad a while his skittish and insecure mind compels him to get up and jog around the house, looking for any intruders, before running back to me and wag his tail as I pet him around three times. After this he peels himself off of me and sit back down in his bed. I do some more homework, and a few minutes later I notice him doing nearly the exact same thing, only this time he does his patrol in a slightly different part of the house.
            I have never noticed this clockwork-like motion that seems to propel his day, which makes it all the more strange to me. I had no idea that my dog, who as always seemed so sporadic and deranged could follow a pattern so orderly. He comes back and I pet him some more times as he rubs up against me, slightly warming me up.

            He is so crazy, yet I can’t imagine myself feeling sane without him to pet. This is why he is so special.