Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Slice of Life: 3-11-15

Blank pages are overrated. I sit here in my bed next to my lamplight and a clock that says it is too late at night to writing a Slice of Life, and a nice room that is so quiet it seems to be beckoning me to sleep. I hear planes rumble outside and remember when I was younger and I had just seen a ‘scary’ movie and how I thought that one of those planes was going to crash and it would be just like one of those movies. I also remember how they never did. That brings me to think how big the world is and how systematic it is. All of the planes, cars, people, plants, stars, computers, buildings, and whatever else you can think of run on a strict schedule, and somehow at the end of each day everything is on schedule so we can start the next day. I know I am leaving out the countless things that mess up, but if you think about it, the world is actually really big, really complicated, and really cool.
That probably sounds kind of cheesy, but you get my point. I have nothing to type about, just the random thoughts swirling around the room. I forgot to mention my dog, he is sleeping next to me in his torn up bed. He has a problem. He was found as a three-week old puppy alone on the streets of Huston, which directly translates into having attachment issues. Though, like any person I love him like a family member and that’s because he is. Every once in a while he moans in his bed, for not really any reason, I think it is just a way of his to show he is tired.
My eyelids shut from the heaviness they have undertaken so suddenly. I think I might go to sleep. I don’t know. I might type about something else though.  

Just a boy and his thoughts, a keyboard, and a clock that says it is way too late to be writing Slices of Lifes.


  1. Nice, I like all of your thinking. I didn't know TinTin was found in Huston! Interesting.

  2. Nice, I like all of your thinking. I didn't know TinTin was found in Huston! Interesting.

  3. Nice slice about writing a slice! Very interesting topic.

  4. I really enjoyed how you described the big, systematic world because I sometimes think of it in a similar way. While your slice has the feel of stream of consciousness, it's very deep and developed!
