Monday, March 17, 2014

Slice of Life 17/31

    Everyone is so competitive. At least my friends are. If you give them a Frisbee and a field, they suddenly become a professional Ultimate Frisbee team, and act like everyone's lives depend on the game we are playing. Don't make a catch; you get screamed at. Make a bad throw; you get screamed at. Make a good catch; you get screamed at (in a different way). Make a good throw; you get screamed at. And not only that, that sound like serious idiots when they scream, like they are letting out the maximum disciples their vocal chords will allow, but still try to sound manly. 
    I am not saying anything against them, and I am not naming any names, but for crying out loud it is a school sport! Granted, I am not at all familiar with school sports, but I wanted to do it to have fun, not to necessarily to show that I am apparently good at everything in life. It can just really get on my nerves. 
    However, I still do have fun playing with them, and to be fair, they are all really good players. 

    I know this is a different slice than normal, but I am not in a very good mood today.  

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