Monday, March 10, 2014

Slice of Life 10/31

I slogged around the corner into the kitchen, five minutes after I got out of bed. I have a habit of waking up early, and I glance over at the clock which shows me that it is 6:15 am. I must have gotten it from my parents, I thin as I swing open a cabinet and get my lunchbox out. They wake up at three o’ clock and work on their computers, taping away at the keys and making important business decisions along with it.
              I take my lunchbox the way I carry it at lunch, holding it by the strap with my arm relaxed at my hip. Already in the morning being boy-like, I throw the lunchbox across the kitchen and onto the counter where I will work on it. Of course, while doing it I knock over my mother’s glass containers of paprika and rosemary. Good thing the top were on, or I would have a mid-morning mess to clean up.
              After putting everything in an orderly fashion, I get bread and peanut butter out of the fridge and a knife out of one of the drawers. If you are a well-educated lunch-maker, you would know that I am making a peanut butter sandwich. Yes, I like it with only peanut butter. I just like plain things like that.
              I resist the urge of throwing all of the stuff in my hands across the kitchen again, and walk over to boringly put it down on the counter.
              I do what I have done nearly every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday this school year, and take out two pieces of potato bread. I face them in opposite ways and screw off the lid of the peanut butter jar. My family uses the JIF brand, like almost all others that enjoy peanut butter. I then take the knife and scoop a large amount onto the bread. Following my routine I spread the peanut butter across the bread in a neat pattern, it reminds me of planning a lawn-mower pattern.
              I finish that, and put one side of the bread on top of the other. Now, the best part. I cut my sandwich I halves, and I don’t know why I enjoy it so much.
              I proceed to make the rest of my lunch, by picking out a good apple, stuffing as many chips as I can into a bag, and grasping a fruit roll up. Once everything is packed up, I am fully awake, start to get ahead on my homework.   


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